The Oneness Foundation & Gabriela Kowalski PRESENT:


- Embody the Codex of Your Soul -

Your soul is an ancient being that has traveled the vast multiverse, becoming an infinite library of light.

We all have our own magic within us, skills, tools, technologies, and full codexes of light acquired through countless lifetimes on Earth and beyond.

Missioned Souls on Earth have specific lifetimes to remember now, as these lifetimes include those lived in advanced civilizations and previous golden ages of existence on Earth and beyond.

Lifetimes in Atlantis, Lemuria, Ancient Egypt, Shambhala, Avalon, Maya... and many more!

These civilizations co-created the crystalline and golden grids of our planet where quantum libraries of light lie dormant until more souls remember who they are and activate the grids once again.

As we call back more of our soul's memory, we, in turn, activate those dormant parts of the crystalline and golden grids (as we are connected to them) and open these ancient codexes once again.

As more and more of us remember who we truly are, these powerful quantum libraries are gradually opening all over our beloved planet, propelling the collective consciousness of Earth into an accelerated ascension journey.

When we call back more of our soul memory into this incarnation's consciousness, we remember with precision how to create our realities, co-creating a New Earth for all!

If this resonates with your heart and you feel excited to activate more of your Soul Memory and Soul Gifts, I invite you to join me and other evolving and ascending souls in a Free Global Channeled event to receive:

  • ACTIVATION: A Soul Gift Activation to retrieve tools, skills, technologies, and light codes from previous lifetimes that support your own ascension and soul mission expansion.

  • INITIATION: Connect with Councils of Light, God & Goddess Realms, Ascended Masters, Benevolent Dragons, and the Angelic Realm to receive soul memory retrieval and mission activation.

  • REMEMBER: How to navigate the Quantum Realm with greater precision, co-creating with your soul's gifts in the highest timelines.

  • EXPLORE: Higher Realm technologies and how to co-create with these benevolent gifts for a more loving and graceful ascension journey.

  • DISCOVER: The codex of Multi-Dimensionality and how to embody soul sovereignty into the physical realms of existence...

  • CREATE: Alternate realities of your choosing, outside the pre-created realities formed by the human collective on Earth.

  • PLUS much much more!

Please know that this transmission is part of the codex from Quantum Magic School, and all the souls in this program are also receiving this as part of their pre-work for the full journey. By joining us, you experience my true body of work as if you were in Quantum Magic School too.

Quantum Magic School is a 5-day event, followed by weekly webinars for 7 months, and will have you become a Certified Quantum Practitioner.

You can restructure the fabric of reality for yourself and others, healing and transmuting lower light and activating codexes of higher realm light and love.

If you wish to learn more about the course, I will be happy to provide more details at the end of this event.

Much love, light, and abundance,

Gabriela 💛

Enter your name and email below to register for:

Embody the Codex of Your Soul

Gabriela Kowalski

Soul Mission, Ascension & Abundance.

Founder of The Oneness Foundation.

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6 Projects You Will Learn On This Free Online Event:

Raise Your Vibration

How to raise your vibration and become a match for your vision, to call in the money, lifestyle and impact

faster without having to ‘hustle’ and burnout along the journey.

The Marketing Foundation

How to up-level your Brands Vibe to attract a ‘Raving Fan’ client base and following.

The Numbers

Discover the fuel that drives your marketing and gain clarity on how to ensure you are profitable on auto pilot. This is the key to Money Freedom.

The Effortless Sales System

You’ll learn more about human behavior and what inspires your clients to say yes than most top sales professionals know.

The Marketing Machine

You’ll discover how to have fun when marketing, how to create a marketing system that brings you a flow of new ideal clients and has you keep your current clients with ease.

The Leveraged Business

You’ll learn what it takes to be a true leader and create proactive and independent staff that run your business for you. This is the key to Time Freedom.

This is the exact system I recently shared at the live event ‘Business Freedom Immersion’ on Oct 15th, people flew in from New Zealand and all over Australia to experience it and the feedback was amazing.

“Wowsers!! The Business Freedom Immersion day is THE best business event I've ever been to. I started my business growth journey back in 2002. In the past 15 years I've invested conservatively well over $1M on my education and upskilling my knowledge. I've always done whatever it took including trips to the US and all over Australia to seek out Masters in business and Marketing. 

So here I was on another trip which saw me leaving a group of family and friends on a weekend holiday, somehow scrambling my way back to Sydney from a secluded area at 2am. Tired and exhausted. Though happy and excited as Somehow, I knew today was going to be an ultimate game changer and yes, I got that and then some. 

You know that feeling you get when you believe what they believe, and you feel like you're in absolutely THE right place. And you feel like you've known someone your whole life. Not just a day.

Thank you so much Gaby Kowalski. You're beautiful, remarkable, amazing and such a breath of fresh air”

SCOTT EDMONDS – The Business Builders

And because I was swamped with messages from people all over Australia asking when the next one was, I decided to do an online version so you could have access to this powerful knowledge now!

I will share the exact system that I have used to create the Money, Time & Impact I wished to achieve from business….

And I continue to use it to follow greater dreams and visions. It is also the system I build with my clients to assist them to create the money, time and impact they desire. 

Meaning I am giving you the FULL map on this training! 

  • Marketing campaigns to attract more ideal clients
  • Sales systems that convert at high levels without being all ‘salesy'
  • Vibration shifts that produce higher income, more freedom and greater impact
  • Leadership Strategies that create proactive, independent teams that free up time

And in this online event I will share what is working very well for them so you can grow your business with greater ease and flow.

I'm inviting you to the Business Freedom Online Event, to show you exactly how to grow the business of your dreams. 

And, I am doing the event completely FREE of charge! 

See, I get that you and I don’t know each other well or have only just met and I want to make it as easy as possible for you to be on this training. 

I believe if I give you 3 hours of my best strategies, you will see how powerful my Business Freedom Formula is, how close you are to having it ALL and you will want to continue the journey with me in the future. 

All I ask is that if you Sign up: 

Please Show up. 

Seats to this workshop are very limited so I can work one on one with you on your business. 

So, if you take a spot, it means you are 100% in and ready to take yourself and your business to the next level. 

See you on the training, Gaby 

P.S Here is my BIO in case you wanted to read it: